What You Need to Know About Nootropic Supplements
Nootropic supplement, brain supplement, neuro supplement, IQ supplement – whatever you call them they’re all the same thing. Maybe you have a friend, family member or co-worker that swears by them but whatever the reason, you’re curious and want to know more.
What Are Neuro Supplements?
Neuro supplements or nootropics are supplements that can help to support peak mental performance. It can help boost memory, creativity, focus, alertness and cognitive function.
People often take a brain boosting supplement if they feel like they’re in a fog or not thinking as quick on their feet as they’d like. If you feel like you’re moving through molasses or not able to concentrate at work or in your social life, a neuro supplement might be able to give you the sharpness you’re looking for.
Benefits include…
- Increase focus
- Reduce sluggishness
- Improve memory retention
- Improve concentration
- Increase alertness
- Improve mood
- Increase blood flow and oxygen to your brain
Must Have Nootropic Ingredients
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a health fat often found in fish oil. This fat is a structural fat and is found in the gray matter of the brain. DHA is essential for the proper development of infant’s brains but also very important for brain health in general.
According to Healthline, “Taking DHA supplements has been linked with improved thinking skills, memory and reaction times in healthy people who have low DHA intakes. It has also benefited people experiencing a mild decline in brain function.”
L-tyrosine (also just called tyrosine) is actually an amino acid, amino acids are the building blocks of protein. While there are many different ways that your body uses tyrosine it’s extremely important for your brain and not just your muscles. Tyrosine it’s a precursor to some certain hormones within the brain.
According to Be Brain Fit, “It’s commonly used for stress, depression, attention disorders, narcolepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and to ease withdrawal symptoms when quitting addictive substances.”
Bacopa Extract
Bacopa monnieri (a.k.a. waterhyssop) is an herb found in southern and eastern Asia. It’s been used in auyervedic medicine for thousands of years for its medicinal properties.
According to Web MD, “[Bacopa] is used for Alzheimer’s disease, improving memory, anxiety, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), allergic conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, and as a general tonic to fight stress.”
Phosphatidylserine (PS for short) is a type of fat that is naturally occuring in every cell of the body, particularly in the brain. It’s also found in small amount in meat and fish and in even smaller amounts in certain veggies. So while it’s important to our brains it can be difficult to get more if we don’t have enough. That’s why it’s a great ingredient to look for in nootropic supplement.
According to Invite Health, “What’s more, phosphatidylserine is critical to healthy cell membranes and brain tissue in the area of the brain known as the hippocampus. It is the hippocampus’ job to regulate the process of turning short-term memories into long-term memories.”
The Takeaway
Neuro formula supplements can be a great way to support your brain for peak performance. From better better memory and cognition to better focus and mood. Thousands of people turn to the help of a supplement to help them be their best selves and you can too. Just make sure that whatever supplement you buy it has the right combination of ingredients.
Click Here to Learn More About Our Brain and Focus Formula Supplement